The rising incidence of heart failure (HF) among the U.S. population has become a major concern for healthcare providers. This study aims to assess mortality trends related to HF across different age groups, racial demographics, and geographic locations from 1999 to 2020.

Material and methods:
This descriptive analysis uses death certificate data from the CDC WONDER database to track mortality trends among HF patients from 1999 to 2020. Log-linear regression models were used to delineate trends. The study used deidentified public data, complying with ethical standards.

Over 21 years, 1,426,657 HF-related deaths were recorded in individuals aged 15 and older, with a slight overall increase in mortality (AAPC = 0.11). Mississippi recorded the highest age-adjusted mortality rates (AAMRs) at 58.0 per 100,000. The Midwest showed the highest regional mortality rates, while the oldest individuals (≥ 85) exhibited the highest crude mortality rate (CMR) of 663.9. Males consistently demonstrated higher AAMRs than females, despite females accounting for 57.6% of the deaths. Black ancestry individuals experienced the highest mortality rates, with rising trends, particularly in non-metropolitan areas. After 2012, significant increases in mortality were noted, especially in individuals over 85, with stable rates in younger demographics.

Males and Black ancestry individuals are disproportionately affected, demonstrating the need for targeted interventions.
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